RBA wicket gate, lingkage bearings and operating bush offer self-lubricating mechanism under wet/dry application.
We offer both metallic ( RB-BSL & RB-FAB) and non-metallic (RB-MOS/D) self-lubricating bearing that has many advantages like.
- Self-lubricating and green enviroment.
- No galling properties ( RB-MOS/D)
- Can be machined on-site ( RB-BSL, RB-MOS/D, outer diameter of RB-FAB)
- Quick product availibilty and custom made in short delivery time to meet overhaul schedule!
- Suitable for all turbine model : Francis, Kaplan, Pelton, etc.
Application includes:
- Upper, Middle, Lower guidevane wicket gates
- Upper linkage bushing
- Mechanical ring/operating ring bushings
- Operating guide strip ( full/segmented)
- Servo motor and servo link bearing
- Pump bearings
- Control gate bearings
- etc